Questions marked with a* are required. Questions you are unsure of or would prefer to answer verbally can be skipped.
I consent to have treatment by my denturist at Ottawa Valley Denture Clinic (OVDC).
I consent to have my dentist or physician contacted if additional dental/medical information is required for my dental care.
I understand that this clinic does not accept assignment of benefits, and OVDC will not submit to or claim from insurance companies. Any claim forms will be printed off and provided to the patient at the completion of service.
I assume responsibility for all fees incurred. All fees not covered by my insurance company is my responsibility.
We understand that circumstances change and we ask to be notified at least 24 hours in advance. This allows us to manage our schedule effectively and offer the time slot to another patient in need. Failing to show up for your scheduled appointment without prior notice will result in a fee of $75. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring we can provide timely and efficient care to yourself and all our patients. Please note we consider exceptions for unavoidable emergencies on a case-by-case basis.
613-735-4034[email protected]